Best Gifts for the Woman/Girl (insert term) who kind of hates spa gifts

If you search online gifts for women/girls you get a list that looks rather similar.

Nail polish, face masks, towels, makeup etc. and though there is nothing wrong with a girl liking this and in fact, I do like these sorts of things there’s something a bit monotonous and lacking all diversity. So I’ve compiled a list of gifts that women/girls (insert term) who hate spa gifts will possibly like (seriously I don’t know them so I don’t know whether they’ll like them or not).

Also, because I don’t want to be sued, this post contains affiliate links so that we can pay for editing for the podcast.

The Dino Pet

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This is a bioluminescent glass dinosaur that glows in the dark and is full of marine plankton called Dinoflagellates.

Review: It was a bday gift for my son, he was fascinated with it. We check it out every night, had it for over a month and it still lights up at night. Great and entertaining.

If anyone is shopping for my birthday this would be a safe bet because it’s SO COOL!! (I’ve had a lot of caffeine today and didn’t sleep well so this will be an odd post).

($60 via amazon)

Embossed Leather Dual Dragons 120 Leaf Journal

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This notebook is like the coolest thing in the world. It has two dragons, not one folks, but TWO DRAGONS ON THE COVER! and has 120 sheets of paper meaning 240 pages to write in for your dungeons and dragons/LARP/fantasy novel planning.

I don’t quite know how to explain how much I love dragons, but I imagine I love dragons in the way most teenage girls that I know love unicorns. Which I really don’t get.

Review: I know there are several people who have said they are not happy with this purchase.. I am very happy, the embossing is done very well it is leather, and the pages are tied very securely. I believe they can be replaced, but the paper in it is more cloth like than the usual paper. When I need refills I am going to find out how to make my own pages to use.

(10.49 via Amazon)

Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons

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My brother once received this book for his birthday and it was so cool that I basically kept it for myself. It has pockets with little investigations on dragons and shows you the anatomy and biology of dragons as well as species and history of them. It’s clearly fake but reads like a guide from the 1800’s on studying dragons.

There are also other books in the series that are amazing.

Review: This book was the first in the Ologies books I have purchased.
I got it for my daughter who is 6 and she is a HUGE HUGE dragon enthusiast she truly believes the are real. So I though me being a dragon lover myself I would see what all the fuss was about the ratings were high on it so I said “why not”.
All I can say when we go this book in the mail is that I was speech less! It was far more gorgeous a d detailed than the pictures or advertising shows. My daughter had been asking me for days when will I get my dragon book? When? When?
So finally I got to show it to her when it got here and she was so happy. So I purchased another book in the series called Monsterology and when that one arrived it was every bit just as gorgeous as this book. So I am going to slowly buying the whole Ology collection because my whole family is crazy about anything mythical or amazing even thing that normal folks consider not real, well we usually think that there is some truth to them and maybe someday science will discover some of these creatures. Who knows, my belief is that anything is possible because we live on an amazing planet with so many things to discover that we don’t even know half of what all is out there.
So keep up the great inspirational books we love them and kids love them. Real or not I just love reading your books and I’m 29 so that says something my hubby is 42 and he is in love with these books.

ME: Also, can I file a complaint against the age thing on Amazon which says it’s for 7-year-olds? I love this book so much it’s probably going to be on my wedding registry when I’m, statistically, like 27.

PyroPet Candles Kisa Candle
Screen Shot 2017-08-04 at 11.55.13 AMThis candle starts as a cat and as you light it, it slowly melts and becomes a skeleton which I think is just about the coolest thing in the world.

Review: Really fun to watch it melt. I kept it on a paper plate so the wax wouldn’t stick on any surfaces, and was left with a big, satisfying pile of wax. The back is the last thing to melt and the metal skeleton becomes stained black with soot, which makes the effect even cooler.

(If someone is looking for a present for me, I would love this.)

($33 via Amazon)

And of course, the most epic of epic gifts, the holy grail of cool stuff, *drum roll please*

Rejected Princesses: Tales of History’s Boldest Heroines, Hellions, and Heretics

Screen Shot 2017-08-04 at 12.03.20 PM.pngThis is a book I actually own and I LOVE IT!! I brought it to school with me when I was reading it and my World Geography teacher saw it and liked it so much she bought it for her niece who loved it.

It has 4.8/5 stars on Amazon, which is amazing, and I just love it so much. If you guys didn’t know this is actually the inspiration for our podcast.

Review: Amazing, gorgeous book! It’s full of wonderful pictures, high quality paper, humorous and yet serious writing, and is worth every penny. A lot of the characters are not what would be termed ‘morally good’ or ‘heroes’, but that’s pretty much the point–many men in history aren’t morally good, but we still hear about them because what they did was big or unusual or amazing–even terrifying or tragic.

It’s a fascinating read, occasionally making jokes, but also taking its subject matter seriously if it’s a heavier topic. So far as I can tell, it strives for accuracy without enforcing ‘facts’ which have been disputed or so on regarding these women’s lives.

Would definitely recommend, especially if you already love the website.

($12.99 via Amazon for Kindle, $18.99 via Amazon for hardcover)

What presents would you guys recommend?



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